The other week, I went to a restaurant and I noticed there was a undersized adolescent at one of the tables. The waitress brought over some crayons and some paper with some drawings on it forasmuch as he could color them in. Considering the child was doing therefrom the parents were explaining to him to stay within the line, to potency a infinitesimal bit to the right, and then to change colors. I intuition this was interesting since it would be greater to let the kid experiment and dote on a wizened creativity. Nevertheless, in this case the child actually did what they said, and therefore one has to ask who was actually coloring the diagram; was it the parents through the child, or the child himself?
About four years ago, I was talking to some speech recognition folks about the need for voice recognition in creating CAD / CAM drawings for designing aircraft. In essence what you would do is you would say to use the wings of a Concorde, and the tail of the Cessna, or the landing gear of a C - 130 as a starting point. Then you would tell the CAD / CAM drawing software to change the camber of the wing, the length of the cord, or some other aspect of the wing.
It seems that in the future people should be able to use Photoshop type software along with speech recognition to do the painting for them. In other words you could tell the painting what you wanted it to do, and say; " a little bit to the left, no, lower, " or " make a curve to the right, more curvature please, " and that way you could eventually do the painting just by telling it what to do. You can modify diagrams, drawings, and reshape new concepts or prototypes. You can do it faster, and better. You could also create artwork, and all the while you ' d be training artificial intelligent software.
Consider if you will that the parents at the restaurant were training their kid how to color in a diagram. That child could be considered a " blank slate " or artificial intelligent program, he was learning what to do and to draw within the lines as per his parents instructions. Now then, if you believe that my new concept here is not possible, or no one will use it or want it then consider that child and the parents. Isn ' t it really the same thing after all? Seriously, think about it for a few moments. What ' s the difference? A child with a brain who is learning, or training artificial intelligent software to do the same thing as per your command?
When you tell an architect how to design your house, you are giving him the same types of instructions aren ' t you? Think about it. We need this future software for art, design, and for painting too.