Thinking of hiring a painting and decorating contractor in Clerkenwell but do you know what type of painting contractor will suit you best? A painting contractor isnt just someone one who paints; there are different types of painting and decorating contractors, namely Residential, Commercial and Faux painting contractors. Each of them specializes in a particular type of painting job.
Residential painters specialize in interior and exterior painting of homes thence if you are hiring a residential painting and decorating contractor in Clerkenwell provide that you know how much area you want to paint. Skillful it is important seeing much a gallon of paint can be used for 400sq feet; your cost will depend according to the area painted. A commercial contractor specializes in painting and decorating office buildings and apartments. A painting and decorating contractor in Holborn usually have large number of workers for him and so they are not cost effective, especially if you plan on painting your home. They are more suited to work with multi - level buildings and are known to give discounts like a free clean up in such cases. Commercial contractors, as the name suggests are best suited for large buildings and not for residential houses.
The third type, Faux painting contractors are a bit different from the others. They are not just painters, they are decorators as well. The art of faux painting dates back to over 5000 years back in Mesopotamia. Unlike residential and commercial contractors who are good in painting, a faux painting and decorating contractor in Clerkenwell excels in not just painting but giving an artistic look to your home or office interior. They are known to use techniques such as marbleizing graining, trompe l ' oeil, Venetian plaster, color wash, stri and rag painting to bring out artistic designs and make your house look more beautiful. Moreover normally a painting and decorating contractor in Holborn will charge you based on paint, labour and clean up but faux painters charge you differently so they may be a little bit costly. But this doesnt imply that you wont get an affordable painting and decorating contractor in Holborn. There was a time when faux painting went out of fashion but now a renewed interest in it has made several companies offering faux painting services. They are nowadays widely used in commercial and public spaces.
Once you have decided on the type of painting and decorating contractor in Clerkenwell it is time to calculate cost. The cost will include price of the paint, the number of labours employed, and the area to be painted and clean up services. Depending on whether you are buying the paint or the painter the costs can vary. As mentioned earlier the area to be painted plays an important part in costing. If you have hired a painting and decorating contractor in Holborn for a full house renovation then you may get some discounts. Dont always go for the lowest quote; they may be using inferior quality materials. If you compare quotes you will find that the estimate differs within a hundred pounds of each other.